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U.S Federal Agency Stays on Schedule, Improves Release Quality

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A U.S. federal government agency with more than 600,000 employees and a $77 billionoperating budget manages a customer service application built on Salesforce. Theapplication is constantly growing and evolving, with many developers working within it toadd features and improve user experience. Flosum Release Management empowersthem to streamline the Salesforce release process by cutting manual steps in half andspeeding deployments by 66.5%. As a result, the team can reliably hit tight deadlinesand deliver improved release quality.


With more than 90,000 users across the United States, cross-organizational releasescheduling and collaboration proved very challenging and negatively impacted releasecycle timelines. The agency needed to merge these work flows while preventingoverwrites by launching C360 within this already complex parallel developmentenvironment. Security was an extremely important consideration as well, as the agencymanages huge amounts of sensitive data in the Government Cloud. Looking to moveaway from GIT, the agency turned to Flosum and a top global SI to provide DevOpsguidance, process, and governance to drive quality, team productivity gains, andcompliance.


The U.S. agency evaluated many options before deciding Flosum was the onlycompany that met its security needs and could be authorized to run in the GovernmentCloud. Flosum's 100% native architecture (not just a UI layer like other AppExchangeDevOps products) ensures no metadata or data ever leaves the Government Cloud.Satisfied that its security needs would be met, the agency could move forward with avery-involved pilot to allow them to experience Flosum firsthand. The native versioncontrol and flexible release pipeline reduced manual efforts to hit deadlines whileflexible technical configurations and governance modeling enabled a solid DevOpsprocess.


The pilot, which spanned more than 1,000 releases to thoroughly benchmark thedifferences between their previous system and Flosum, proved that Flosum gave theagency the increased efficiency around release activities they were searching for.During this time the agency reduced their deployment time by 66.5%. They alsoreduced manual work by 46%, saving time and reducing opportunities for human error.Additional time was saved by a 48% decrease in non-release deployments, driven bybetter automation and Flosum's built-in quality checks. This accelerated release cycleallowed the agency to add new features and functions into the system faster, satisfyingconstituents and being more responsive to the business. If you add up the time the agency saved in development efficiencies, in just 60 days the team saved enough time to pay for a year of Flosum solutions.

Now that's ROI!

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