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Securing Data in Transit with Salesforce Encryption

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All enterprises utilizing Salesforce applications recognize the importance of securing their data during transmission. Enterprises understand that the integrity of the data being transmitted is critical to their success, and the impact a breach can have on their organization could be devastating. Salesforce encryption provides secure data transmission, regardless of where the data is located or how it is moved.

Salesforce encryption relies on a key-based system. A key is a code consisting of mathematical data which is created for specific purposes. This system uses two types of keys and two types of encryption protocols. One type of key is an encryption key, which encrypts data before it is transmitted. The other type is a decryption key, which decrypts the data after it is received. The first encryption protocol is Symmetric Encryption, which uses the same key for both encryption and decryption. The second encryption protocol is Asymmetric Encryption, which uses two different keys for encryption and decryption.

When using Salesforce encryption, an enterprise's data is protected while in transit between Salesforce and other third party applications. There are a few methods of encryption offered by Salesforce, including Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Socket Layer (SSL), and Private Key Encryption. TLS and SSL are both used to protect data while it is in transit. They both use a combination of public and private keys, as well as digital certificates, to authenticate the parties involved in the communications and to protect the data in transit. Private Key Encryption is a type of encryption specifically designed to be used with Salesforce. The encryption key is generated specifically for the organization's Salesforce instance and allows the organization to restrict access to specific users, data, or applications.

Salesforce also offers a feature active logging, which allows organizations to record the encryption key and the decryption key used for any particular piece of data that is being transmitted. This feature is invaluable for organizations that need to investigate a breach and trace the data back to its source.

Additionally, Salesforce encryption is also available for mobile applications. It provides the same level of security for data that is transmitted via mobile devices as it does for data that is sent over the internet. This ensures that an organization's sensitive data is secure while traveling, even if it is being sent from a mobile device.

Salesforce encryption is an important tool for businesses to use when it comes to protecting their data while in transit. It provides a secure environment for all data transmissions, regardless of where the data is located or how it is moved. With Salesforce encryption, organizations can be confident that their data is always secure, no matter where it is being sent.

Topics: Salesforce knowledgebase, Salesforce guides

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