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Flosum Enhances Citrix's Salesforce Development Process

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Flosum has helped improve collaboration between team members, allowing multiple developers to work on the same components seamlessly. They were quickly able to adopt the solution and start receiving value within the first few weeks of implementation.


Citrix is a multinational software company that is transforming the way more than 400,000 organizations do business in the cloud era. They focus on one basic principle – making the world’s apps and data secure and easy to access. Anywhere. At any time. And on any device or network.


Because of its size and reach, Ctirix has a very large Salesforce Implementation and correspondingly large team of of Salesforce developers, citizen developers and admins. Prior to utilizing Flosum, Citrix was having a difficult time managing their development process effectively and efficiently. Multiple developers worked on the same pieces of code at once and were constantly stepping on each other’s toes – and merging the code between them was painstakingly manual process. In addition, Changesets were very problematic because the team had to recreate packages over and over again which resulted in a significant loss of admin productivity.

Furthermore, managing their 120 plus profiles was becoming a nightmare. Changes had to be done manually – and over 100 component updates were being pushed to their production org each week, requiring a significant amount of time and effort.


Flosum has allowed Citrix to solve these pain points and greatly improve their Salesforce development process. They were quickly able to adopt the solution and start receiving value within the first few weeks of implementation. Flosum has helped improve collaboration between team members, allowing multiple developers to work on the same components seamlessly. In addition, Citrix has gained the following benefits:

  1. Flosum has helped to save time by packaging changes from the various developers in the same release. Admins now only need to create a package once – and this same package can be used over-and-over again.
  2. Citrix has enabled citizen developers to deliver 25% of their overall business requirements. These citizen developers now push all of their changes using Flosum.
  3. Audit tracking has greatly simplified the compliance process. Auditors can quickly find out the components changed and the reason for the component changes.
  4. All profile changes can now be done through Flosum. This feature alone has saved Citrix a headcount over 1.25 resources

Flosum has allowed Citrix to solve these pain points and greatly improve their Salesforce development process.

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