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Reach a new standard in your software development lifecycle 

Flosum is looking forward to in-person meetings during SeaAirSpace 2023. Pre-book a meeting with David Wood, Flosum Federal DevOps Expert, and receive a $200 gift card at the show. Limited to the first 5 qualified meetings.


Meeting Details:

  • Meeting Logistics: 30 minute private meeting pre-set
  • Meeting Style:  Educational Session / Consultation
  • Meeting Focus: DevOps for Federal

Connect With Flosum's David Wood


Flosum is the only 100% native DevOps solution purpose-built for Salesforce, making it the best, if not only, choice for government agencies. Our customers include some of the most security conscious federal, state, and local government organizations where governance, compliance, and data security are paramount. We are exclusively approved for use on the government cloud and are FedRAMP compliant.


Leveraging technologies like Flosum saves your team time and effort while reducing errors. Our intelligent code compare and merge functionality, code review, release process automation, data migration, and one-click deployment or rollback are just a few features that drive ROI, quality and productivity


For example, Flosum’s DevOps technology enables our customers to ease the CI/CD process through improved security. It also allows them to accelerate release velocity, improve deployment processes and eliminate issues caused by manual, tedious inputs that employees deal with every day.

Productivity Gains with Flosum:

✅67% Automated Deployment Time
42% Automated Changes
✅46% Manual Steps
✅48% Non-Release Deployment

Federal government DevOps is a holistic approach to software development and delivery.  We seek to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the overall quality and security of software applications and services used by government agencies.


 👍  Average  2-month payback period

 👍   5-Star Rating on Salesforce AppExchange

 👍  G2 Top 20 Continuous Integration Tools

Top 5 Features for Federal Agencies

1.  Streamlined Development Process

Flosum automates the entire development process, from code management to deployment, ensuring that all teams are working together efficiently and effectively.

2.  Security & Compliance

Flosum provides robust security measures to protect sensitive data, including role-based access control, encryption, and multi-factor authentication. It also helps ensure compliance with industry standards such as FEDRAMP, HIPAA and PCI.

3.  Audit Trail

Flosum tracks all changes made to the codebase, allowing federal agencies to maintain a detailed audit trail for agency reporting requirements or in case of an audit or compliance investigation.

4. Testing & Validation

Flosum includes powerful testing and validation capabilities, allowing developers to catch errors early on in the development process and ensure that their code meets all necessary requirements.

5.  Collaboration

Flosum enables collaboration between teams, both within an agency and with external partners, streamlining the development process and increasing transparency.

Enjoy Countless Benefits Using Flosum...


Improved Collaboration - The tool allows teams to work together more effectively, by providing a central location for all code updates, as well as enhanced version control. This enables team members to identify issues and resolve them before they become significant problems.

Enhanced Speed and Efficiency - The Flosum DevOps tool automates many of the manual processes of deployment, which ensures a faster project delivery time. As a result, agencies can complete projects quickly and efficiently.

Increased Quality Control - The Flosum DevOps tool has built-in testing mechanisms that can thoroughly test each release, ensuring that the code is high quality and meets federal standards. Additionally, the tool can detect issues early in the development process, meaning that fewer errors make it to production.

Enhanced Security - Flosum DevOps enables users to secure their code, and only allow trusted users to access certain features. Furthermore, the tool provides alerts on any suspicious behavior, such as attempted unauthorized access.

Cost Savings - With faster deployments, fewer errors, and improved collaboration, agencies can expect to save money on development costs. Additionally, the Flosum DevOps tool reduces the need for staffing requirements, auditing, and maintenance costs, which could lead to significant savings down the line.

Quality & Reliability

✔️Quality Support:

Flosum stands out due to commitment to customer service evident in our impressive net retention.  Flosum provides dedicated customer success managers, personalized support and ongoing training.  Flosum does not require additional services packages but yet offers a complete package of services available to all customers.  Flosum provides tiered levels of  certification, with progress testing and benchmarks – all  at no additional cost. 

✔️ Integrations:

Flosum has out-of-the-box integrations with all the big requirements tools such as Jira, ServiceNow and ADO.  Flosum also has deep integrations with regression testing tools such as Provar.  Flosum can assist with any integration that is needed so you don't have to give up the complementary tools you love.


All of your interactions with Flosum happen within your Salesforce environment. Interactions are guarded by Salesforce’s security protocols — there’s no need to create additional blacklists or other safeguards. 

✔️Data Integrity:

Flosum never moves your customer data onto other platforms.  A native platform will keep all your data within the Salesforce firewall and not have a backdoor to get access to your data.   This ensures safety & compliance.